Dishin’ out Sass!

Ballsy women rock! So this is for all you smart, sane, sassy women, who mean what you say and say what you mean. This section is devoted to you and your memorable episodes or short stories that warranted shifting your sassy self into high gear. I’m sure it’s worth hearing about, so please…SHARE!

For all you edgy, sassy men, this goes for you too..feisty is feisty..(it just looks cuter on us, cuz’ we’ve got nicer legs…)

Give me a few words (no more than 250) about your sassy episode. At your best..or worst. How did it make you feel? Did it empower you..letting ‘er rip? Did you kick butt in style? (metaphorically, of course) Or did that mouth of yours come back to bite you in the ass? Mine’s still sore…

Any short stories, whether, honest, humorous, or self deprecating, I want to hear them! The sassier, the better, so dig deep!

I’ll be adding a “SUBMIT” button, so bear with me or message me at Facebook at in the meantime.

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